Hey guys, happy Monday! SOULFATED will be out in a little less than 3 weeks, so I figured, why not give you a teaser? 

Here's a glimpse at the beginning of the book, unedited still. Hope you like it!



When you hear a knock on your front door, your first thought is never,
“Oh hey, I wonder if that’s my soulmate.”
At least, that wasn’t my first thought when someone knocked at my door. Typically my first thought was,
“I really hope that’s not the police coming to take my crazy father to prison.” 
The soulmate thing would’ve been much more fun to worry about though, if I’d had any clue that I needed to worry about it. But I was a human and I had no idea that one day the person knocking at my door would be my soulmate—and a shifter.

“Hallie! Get the door!” My dad yelled from the living room.
I headed toward the front door. Responding to him with actions was almost always wiser than responding with words. 
I pulled the door open.
When I saw a tall, dark-haired man standing on my porch, I took a shocked step backward, and then quickly hurried back to where I’d been so he wouldn’t notice.
“Wow, you’re gorgeous.” He grinned, staring at me like it was the only thing on his to-do list for the entire day. 


-Sara Summers

PS Feel free to email me at or comment/ask a question on goodreads.  I love hearing from you and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! :)

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