MIDNIGHT Cover Reveal

Hey guys! I know, I know, this is like the thousandth cover reveal in the past few months. But I promise things are going to slow down now, and you can expect more teasers and less cover reveals. Check the post before this one for the upcoming book releases, there are some new and exciting books coming your way in the next few months!

If you don't feel like checking, I'll do ya a favor and summarize: there will be a book coming out on the first of every month from here on out!

Anyway, since SOULFATED is nearly here, I thought I'd reveal the cover for my next book, MIDNIGHT, along with the blurb. Here it is!

"Everyone has heard of Cinderella. Humans, shifters, vampires… even witches like me. And while everyone has heard of the mistreated girl who forgets her glass slipper, no one expects to be her."

"No one, including me."

Like every other witch, Kora grew up speaking mentally with her best friend, what the other witches call her "companion". While he's her best friend, he has no idea who she really is--a car mechanic who works day and night trying to make enough money so she can get away from her crazy stepfather. After she finally comes face to face with Dylan, she has to do everything she can to keep him away from her stepdad or risk losing both her companion and a future of freedom.

Kora will make sure the slipper doesn't fit, even if it kills her to do so.

MIDNIGHT is a modern, paranormal take on the often-retold fairy tale Cinderella.

*This is a clean new adult/ young adult book that contains no explicit content. It would be rated PG-13 if it were a movie.*

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