SOULFATED is available NOW!

When you hear a knock on your front door, your first thought is never,
“Oh hey, I wonder if that’s my soulmate.”
At least, that wasn’t my first thought when someone knocked at my house. Typically my first thought was,
“I really hope that’s not the police coming to take my father to prison.” 
The soulmate thing would’ve been much more fun to worry about though, if I’d had any clue that I needed to worry about it. But I was a human, and I had no idea that one day the person knocking at my door would be my soulmate—and a shifter.

Hallie has plenty on her plate with taking care of her father whose brain is ridden with tumors. The last thing she wants--or needs-- is a bossy shifter to show up and claim he's her soulmate. 

At least, that's what she's telling herself. 

Her heart says something completely different.

*This is a standalone young adult/new adult novel that would be rated PG-13 if it were a movie. Contains no swearing or explicit content.*

Hey guys! I am BEYOND excited to announce that SOULFATED is available in the kindle store right now! Click the link above the pic to be transported straight to the book on Amazon.

Keep reading the post for a few insider secrets on the process of writing this one. That sounds more official than it is haha. 

Anyway, happy reading!

-Sara Summers

*This doesn't contain spoilers*
So here are those "insider secrets" (I'm only calling them that because it makes me feel cool)

This was the most difficult book I've ever written, but not for the reasons I would've expected. This book was so incredibly difficult because I couldn't plan any of it. Every time I tried to figure out what was going to happen next, my brain would all but shut down. I had no idea where the plot was going or even where the characters were going. Heck, I didn't even know how it was going to end until the words were pouring from me and then stopping a few minutes later like my brain was some sort of leaky faucet.

Part of me feels like this books knew what it was going to be before I did. 

As I was writing, I kept stopping and getting frustrated because I felt like nothing connected and like nothing would come full circle. Sometimes I would write 2,000 words in twenty minutes, other times I'd write 100 in an hour.

Typically there's a hump either at the beginning or middle of the book when the writing becomes simple and natural. This one never got easier.

Maybe that's why when I finished writing and sat back to think about the story as a whole I felt so good about it. That would have to be because this story told itself. I just got to understand the characters and struggle with the words, but I think it all happened exactly the way it was supposed to.

So yeah, this is a special book to me because this is the book that knew what it wanted to be when I didn't. 

Anyway, that's the story behind SOULFATED. I hope you love it.

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