Hey guys, it's Teaser Tuesday! I hope you loved SOULHATED 💛
SOULWAITED is coming out in a few short weeks and I'm already ridiculously excited so here's a quick teaser for ya. Check back every Tuesday for another teaser!


“Hey. You look good.” I leaned forward to grab the knot at the end of the string that hung off of his hoodie and played around with it a little.
“You do too.” His smile grew as I played with the knot, but I rolled my eyes at his words.
“Liar. I look like someone who spent the day vegging in bed while eating more than her weight in grape soda and vanilla ice cream and watching chick-flicks that were sweeter than the treats.” 
“Hey, sugar-coma vegetable is a good look for you.”
“Well Mount Edge is a good look for you.” I let go of his hoodie-string and sat back against the bed. 

-Sara Summers

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