Inner Musings

Hey guys. I've been thinking a lot today. I know I don't usually get too personal on this blog, but I thought I'd share with you something that's become pretty important to me: My personal motto.

Stop reading here if you only care about my books, I won't be offended 😉

I've always wanted to have a personal motto, but I never really had one up until the last six months or so. Honestly, I didn't even realize it was my motto until a few weeks ago when I said it to a friend twice in one conversation. But through the struggles of my sucky pregnancy and difficult anxiety, this became my motto.

Maybe it's silly or childish, but I say it to myself multiple times a day. You can only do what you can do. Some days for me, that means I can only sit on the couch and play a video game and make sure my baby eats. Some days it means I write 10,000 words and clean my entire apartment and make my baby laugh. Every day, I can only do what I can do, and every day, that means something different. 

I think in this world, we all try to work ourselves to the bone. We want to be perfect, we want to do everything, and we want everyone to love us. But at the end of the day what really matters to me is that I did my best at life that day, and that's what my life motto reminds me. 

So don't worry about perfection; it doesn't really matter in the long run how perfect your life is. What matter is that you try and that you're proud of your effort, however small or large.

Just do what you can do, and you'll have an incredibly happy life. I know that's true for me!

Anyway, hope your Sunday has been awesome! I'll update with a sneak peek at Soulmated sometime soon!

-Sara Summers

PS feel free to email me at with questions or comments. I love hearing from you!

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