Soulmated Teaser

Okay so I just said this book would be out on the 21st... and it's actually going to be out before that. So keep your eyes out for a surprise release post, or sign up for my email list to know ASAP when it goes live in the next few days! I've been writing like a mad woman, and I'm in love with this story. You guys are going to love Emma and Logan, I just know it. 

Anyway, in celebration of my hurricane-speed writing, here's another teaser. Get ready because the Shifty world is about to change BIG TIME!

And I can barely freaking wait.

Yeah, I'm going to be up writing until at least midnight because I'm so excited. 

Alright, I'll shut up. Here's the (still unedited) teaser! 

The car door swung open and a man stepped out, and I swear, he was the only thing I could see. He was tall and tanned, his body muscled in a way that I’d never seen anyone look before. The tight black t-shirt and dark blue jeans he wore were both cleaner and nicer than anything I owned.
His hair was dark and cut close on the sides, a little longer on the top and his attention was, I realized, focused completely on me.
My face warmed when he stepped toward me. My parents had seen the way he was staring at me and parted, letting him through.
When he walked past my mom and my brothers who were beside her, they all gasped.
I was too focused on the man in front of me to acknowledge the noise.
“Hi.” He gave me a small smile, and despite its size, that smile definitely reached his eyes. Offering me his hand, he waited to see what I’d do.
“Hi.” I felt my face flush while this fancy, attractive man stared shamelessly at me. Despite the embarrassment, I lifted my hand to take his.
“Emma, wait.” Leah hurried over and grabbed my arm before I could touch him.
“Why?” I frowned but didn’t pull my arm away from her. In my experience, Leah didn’t do anything without a good reason.
“He’s human.” She said quietly.
“What?” I looked up at the man, having no idea what I should think about that. He grimaced and pulled his hand back, resting his thumbs on the edge of his pocket. “You’re human? How?” I looked between my parents and my soulmate, confusion rising like bile in my throat.
“I don’t know. I woke up one day and felt you.” He admitted. “I don’t know how or why, it just… happened.”
“Then what’s going to happen when we touch? I’m not going to turn human, am I?” I demanded, looking to Ty for an answer.


-Sara Summers

PS Feel free to shoot me an email at with any questions or comments! I love hearing from you!

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