Teaser Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! Here's that teaser I've been promising you, hope you're as excited for Soulmated as I am:) Check the post a few days ago for more info on it if you haven't already!

When I looked up at Logan, he was gazing down at me with a look in his eyes that I’d never seen in anyone else’s before. 

“I can’t believe you’re real.” He said softly, brushing his hand through the hair closest to my eyes. 

Miraculously, his hand didn’t get tangled in it.

“I felt you for months and I thought I was losing my mind. I came here thinking I would realize I was crazy, but here I am, with you. My soulmate. I can’t believe this is real.” He shook his head slowly, still not taking his eyes off of me. 

Soulmated will be released BY August 21st but hopefully the release date will  be closer to the middle of this month. Check back soon or subscribe above to be notified when I post more info and teasers!

-Sara Summers

PS Feel free to email me at sarasummersbooks@gmail.com with any questions or comments. I love hearing from you! 

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