The Steampunk 7

Hey, guess what? My first book, The Steampunk 7, went live 9/7/2016!

It's about a group of teenagers who become a superhero team.... here's a teaser pic along with the cover and blurb. Hope you like it!

Drawn by the lovely Kate Madsen

 And here's the cover!
Thanks to Valerie Bernal for the artwork!

“Has anything weird happened to you today?”

When an unlikely band of teenagers accidentally causes a strange chemical reaction, no one could guess the results.

“I'm going to have a super power?"

Life just got a lot harder for these friends. Between homework and uncontrollable superpowers, this last semester of school should turn out to be an interesting one.

“Let’s do it."

Of course, things can always get tougher.

"Let’s be superheroes."

Find it on Amazon!

Here are some quotes from the book, enjoy!

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