Nerd out with Me!

It's finally here....

Weird Wednesday! Here I have two great pictures for you, just to celebrate Wednesday and it's weirdness... anyway, here they are!

 First off, the SP7 girls as Disney princesses. Introducing Autumn as Belle, with her lovely bo-staff, Penny as Jasmine with her glitterized baseball bat riding shotgun, and Grace as Aurora, with a cool anti-gravity flower

And second, have a look at our couples nerding out. Here's Autumn and Brady (Mr. Quick) as Star Trekkies, Penny and Curt (Glimprov) as River Song and the 11th Doctor, and finally Grace and Monterro (Hot Tease) as Sherlock and Watson.

Thanks for letting me nerd out with you! Happy Wednesday!

-Sara Summers

P.S. feel free to comment below or send me an email at I'd love to hear from you!

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