My Name's Sara, and I'm Addicted to Endings

So this is random, but I just recently discovered something about myself:

I love endings. 

I only ever want to rewatch or reread the last one or two books, the last few movies, To me, the most important of anything happens in the ending. 

No, I'm not obsessed with death. I love endings namely because I don't believe in them. 


That doesn't even make any sense! 

Yeah, yeah, I know. That's the paradox of my life. Get it? Paradox? The terrorist group in my books... Well, never mind. I enjoyed my pun. 

But it's still the truth; I don't believe in endings, but they inspire me. There's something so powerful about watching the result of all the build up, something so intriguing about the way that a million and 7 things have to work together to achieve one great, life and world-changing result. 

And that result brings me to the real reason I like endings... because an ending is never really the end. An ending is only a doorway into the next room of a someone's story. 

Endings are special. They're something that doesn't exist, but does. They aren't real, but they are. When something ends, it's the beginning of something else. Endings are life's greatest paradox, no capital p. All at once, endings are stops, transitions, and starts. They do so many things, and they just...

Well, they inspire me. 

And that's why I've read the last Percy Jackson book probably twelve times. That's why I have to plan an entire series at once, why I can't just free-hand it until I finally figure out where the story will stop. My love for endings is why I struggle with the first part of every book but fly through the last. 

Endings are strange and unique. They're special and different. And ultimately, endings... well, they're inspirational. They teach us and touch us in ways that nothing else can. Endings have the power to change our minds and attitudes into something better and greater than they already are. That's something so special that I can hardly comprehend it. 

So guess what? 

I have a confession to make. 

My name's Sara, and I'm addicted to endings. 

But you know what? I love that about me. 

- Sara Summers

P.S. feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at I'd love to hear from you!

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