How To Write A Book

Hey guys! I've been writing book 3 like a madwoman these past few days, but I had to stop and put down some of my thoughts. 

You know that series of how-to books made for dummies? Well, that's what this post is-- How To Write A Book. 

I've had a few people ask how I manage to write an entire book. It seems impossible to keep moving, to make the story go on for long enough. People reach a wall because they don't know what's going to happen through the entirety of their story, and they give up. 

And so, here begins the 2-step process of book-writing and storytelling.

1. PLAN.
That's write. You heard me (and yes I used the wrong spelling to be punny). You MUST plan before you write. If you don't have a plan, why are you telling a story? All forms of art are intended to express an emotion or a feeling, and if you don't know what emotion/message you're trying to express, take 10 steps back. 
If you can't come up with a story plan, then step back and really get to know your characters. That should happen with every story, because stories are made up of a chain of cause-and-effect. You shouldn't just insert an obstacle or event because you need to meet your word quota. As the writer, even if this is your first story you've ever put on paper, you should be writing about what happens BECAUSE of what the characters have done. Characters should push the story forward. Story is about people happening to things, not things happening to people. 

Read the post before this one if you want more info on planning....

2. WRITE. 
Now, some people think this is the hard, impossible part. But the thing about the writing part of book-writing is this: You're going to have to force yourself to keep going. Maybe you'll run out of story-drenaline toward the beginning of the book. Maybe you'll run out toward the end. But whatever happens, you WILL run out, and you'll have to force yourself to keep going. 
Thus, this part of writing a book requires more willpower than some people have. That's where your plan comes into play. If you have a good plan, you don't have to worry when you run out of story-drenaline because you can write without it. Some people think planning kills their story-drenaline, but honestly, it's better well-thought well-planned story written on willpower alone rather than artistic push. 

Let's summarize this, shall we? To write a book, all you have to do is plan it out and then force yourself to write, time and time again, until you finish telling the story you've wanted to get out. 

That's it! Sounds simple, right? 

Like I said before, the hardest part about writing a book, about telling a story, is the amount of willpower it requires. You have to force yourself to write until you finish, whether you have story-drenaline or not. That willpower is what turns a writer into an author. More importantly, though, it's the willpower that turns authors into storytellers. 

So why not start today? Gather your willpower and make yourself sit down! The world needs to hear what you have to say, so tell your story. Let your story free, because I promise, someone needs to hear it. 

-Sara Summers

P.S. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at I'd love to hear from you!

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