
So I'm sitting her, bawling over the story I'm writing (I promise, info is coming. Check back on Friday!), and I can't help but think about how unique art is. 

We live in this world overclouded by hate, slander, pain, anger, dishonesty, cruelty... the list could go on for ages. But, no matter how much suckiness the world throws at us, art is always there to show us the beauty this world has to offer. 

No matter how bad your day has been, you can be enthralled by the way a dancer moves his or her body. No matter what crappy thing you've experienced, there's always a movie waiting to take you out of this world. No matter what you're suffering, there are characters in books just waiting to remind you what life has to offer. 

Art is like nothing else, and the best thing is that anything can be art. A sunset, or a cloudy day. The smell of rain, or that feeling when the sun warms you right to the bones. Everything can go wrong, but art sticks around to remind you that some things are still okay. 

Art is hope, and I love that. 

That's why I'm a writer. That's why I'm sitting here with tears pouring down my cheeks. Art is what makes me myself, and there are no words to express how grateful I am for that. 

So this Thanksgiving, though I'm a few days late, I'm grateful for art. I'm grateful for the art my husband and I create when we exchange wry smiles over the table. I'm grateful for the art that is a song that can move you to tears. Most of all, I'm grateful for the art I have the opportunity to create every day as I sit down in my chair and write. 

Art makes the world beautiful to me, and I hope it does that for you too. 

When you have nothing else, I hope you know that you always have art. No matter what, art is always there for you, saying the words you wish you could express. 

-Sara Summers

P.S. The Steampunk 7 Unmasked became available on SATURDAY! Check it outttt!

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 I'd love to hear from you!

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