Friday Teaser

Hey guys, happy Friday! LONE SHIFTER is coming in a few short weeks, so I figured it's about time for another teaser. I'm ridiculously sad that this is the last Mount Edge Romance for now, but Kina and Rhett's story may be my favorite yet. This is one you won't want to miss 🧡


“Is there…” I bit my lip, regretting the beginning of the question as soon as it came out. His breathing was fairly even, so I hoped maybe he’d fallen asleep immediately and hadn’t heard the question.
“Is there what?” his voice was soft, prodding me to continue. I mentally swore at myself for bringing it up.
“Never mind.” My eyes slammed shut, frustration pooling inside me. What was I doing? Rhett had crushed me when he left, was I really opening myself up for that to happen again? I mean, what if there was another girl?
“Kina, spit it out.” He warned, the same way he would’ve when we were teenagers. He hated passive aggressiveness and secrets in general, so we’d never had any. He’d prod me until I admitted what was bugging me, and we’d fix things. Gosh, it had been so perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
“Are you with another girl?” I finally asked. I could’ve made something up, but I wanted to know. Needed to know, even.
Rhett didn’t answer right away, and my heart sank. I was right, there was someone else.
His hand found my hip, and he rolled me over quickly but gently. Our eyes met, and I saw some fierce emotion I couldn’t identify in his dark eyes.
“There was never anyone for me but you, and there never will be. You’re my world even when I’m not with you.” 


Don't mind me, just fangirling over my own characters. It's a thing. Anyway, happy reading!

-Sara Summers 

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