Up For Preorder!

Hey guys, THE IMPULSIVE SHIFTER is up for preorder today, so grab your copy now for only 99 cents! The price will go up to 2.99 after release :) 

To celebrate, here's a teaser! 


“Oh my gosh if you don’t move I’m going to start cursing at you, and my mama raised me not to curse, Zane Fulton! Get out of my way!” 
Her voice was rising, and I knew she had probably woken up everyone else in the house with that last sentence.
But I just grinned at her, enjoying the show. Her face was red and she was sweating a little, and that tiny bit of sweat was making my stomach do all sorts of flips.
“Come on, I really have to pee! You’re killing me, bigs!” 
I snorted at her misuse of the well-known quote, and she laughed at me.
“Zane, please! I’ll do anything you want! Well not anything, but almost anything. I’ll—“ 
She was cut off by another man opening the door to my bedroom. If we’d been anywhere else I would’ve gotten up and protected my soulmate, but I knew my roommates well enough to know they weren’t any kind of a threat.
An exhausted-looking Rhett leaned into the room.
“Grizzlies are ticklish.” 
That was all he said before he closed the door and walked away.
Excitement shot through Isla’s eyes and I shook my head at her, trying to warn her off without words. She didn’t care, sticking her hands into my side and wiggling her fingers.
“Are you a ticklish little bear?” She cooed at me, laughing her head off after she said the words. I tried to wiggle out of the way without moving so much that she could escape. “Aww, look at the little bear squirm.” She teased, tickling more.
I tried to fight the urge, but I finally couldn’t take it anymore and scooted away. 
She cheered in victory while she jumped up out of bed, and then she rushed into the bathroom.
I shifted and pulled my clothes on, just pulling my shirt into place as she came out of the bathroom.
“You’re never going to be able to trap me again.” She grinned, wagging her finger at me as she sauntered over. “I know your kryptonite, super-bear.” 
Some shifters might’ve been bothered by all the bear-related nicknames, but I kind of thought it was adorable.

Check back Tuesday for another teaser and more news!

-Sara Summers

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