More than a Monkey Cover Reveal and Sneak Peek

Hey guys, I hope you're having a fantastic Wednesday. Today feels like the perfect day for a cover reveal, so here I am! If you haven't been reading my blog lately, I decided to go back to the Shifty Series and tell Cosette's story, which I was planning on writing before pregnancy kicked my butt and I skipped it. 

This book will take place 4 years after the end of More than Me, and I think it will be a perfect epilogue to the Shifty Series as a whole.

Anyway, here's the cover! Coming on or before December 1st 💛

Here's a peek at the first chapter. The book will be narrated by both Cosette and Casey, and SPOILER, no one dies in this one. The shifty girls have had enough pain as it is. It's still unedited and subject to change but enjoy!


Despair filled me as I flew over it.
The wall. 
Six-feet of solid concrete and barbed wire that made it impossible for shifters to escape what was supposed to be their safe place.
I guess it was still safe, surrounded by walls, but it hadn’t done any good. Humans were more afraid of us than ever.
The chopper’s blades were loud above us, and the forest below us was greener than I remembered. It was bittersweet, going back to the place I’d never wanted to be a part of.
“You alright over there, Miss Cosette?” the pilot asked through the earphones.
Was I alright?
The question was so ridiculous I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. 
At that moment, I was quickly careening into the cry option, so I just said,
It didn’t matter what the pilot thought of me, because I would never see him again after that helicopter ride. I was being dropped off in the Cage like an animal in the zoo. 
“It’ll only be a minute now.”
I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked out the window as we descended into the forest, toward the mountain that I knew my friends lived on, though I had never visited. It had been four years since Bree’s death, but I still didn’t know what to say to any of them.
When everything had gone down between the shifters and the humans, I had sided with the humans. I was famous in the human world, in my own way, and I’d assumed that meant they would side with me too and let me stay out of the cage.
I’d been wrong.
I lifted the camera that still hung on a colorful strap around my neck and snapped a few pictures through the window. The sun was rising over the forest, and there was a good chance these pictures would be the last ones I got to take outside the Cage.
As I put the camera back down against my stomach, it occurred to me that throughout everything that had happened to me, my camera had been my only real friend. It was a bitter thought, but a true one. 
I gave up everything for that camera, for the humans. They loved my photos, and when celebrities kept booking me for more and more weddings and other events after all of the other shifters were in the “shifter place”, I’d been thrilled. I’d stayed out even when it meant losing my soulmate and my best friends.
And now I had nothing to show for it but my camera.

-Sara Summers

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