Say Hello to New Shifter Books!

GUYS!!! Here they are, my TWO new books!!! (see previous post for updates about other series and my life) Not gonna lie, no matter how many times I do it, publishing ALWAYS scares me! I'm putting my babies in your hands, so please be gentle with them:D

***But first a necessary message: Thank you so much for reading my books! You are the reason I get to live my dream and keep writing, and it means the world to me. Thank you!!! I know it might be a lot to ask, but please, please, please, if you have a few spare minutes, go on Amazon and write a review for one of these books or my others. Reviews are really important in helping other people find my books, and the more readers I have the more books I can write. Thanks again!!!***

Say hello to the first TWO books in my new Born Protector series, Born to be a Shifter and Born to Love a Dragon! Here are the covers and the blurb for book one, click the link to reach it on Amazon. Happy reading:)

Dragons weren't real. At least, to Kayla, Ellie, and Whitney they weren't. 

That changed when they met the Keating brothers.

Suddenly dragged out of their simple college life and into a world of dragons, unicorns, werewolves, vampires and every other supernatural being they can think up, these three best friends don't know what to do.

Will Kayla fall in love and become a dragon, or walk away and live without the man who's supposed to be her soulmate? Will Whit let her soulmate into her life? Will Ellie turn so she can finally stop living in fear?

Find out in Born to be a Shifter.

*This is a clean Young Adult/ New Adult book with content that would be rated PG-13 if it was a movie.

Now I'm just going to hide under the blankets on my bed while I grin like a fool and write book 3.

-Sara Summers

P.S. If you happened to see these books on the Amazon store in the last three days or so under a different name, it's because I decided to try out a penname for a few days... and then felt guilty for leaving my fans behind and changed it back. Same book, same author, just used my real name instead. Thanks!

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