I'm Back!

Hey guys! I hope you're having a fantastic day, because I am:) I just released TWO NEW BOOKS! They aren't in the kindle store at this very second, but they will be soon and I'll post again when they are! They're the first and second books in a new shifter series I've been working on, and I'm seriously in love with them so I hope you will be too:) More news to come on those, either later today or tomorrow!

Now an update... I had a baby! Holy cow pregnancy was probably the worst nine months of my life, but it's over and I've been feeling fantastic. Here's a picture of my perfect little guy, who is two months TODAY! His name is Lincoln and he's just the cutest.

So yeah, now that I'm not pregnant and miserable, my life consists of taking care of this perfect baby and writing. I'm back in love with writing, which is a huge relief for me! And it means there are a lot more books coming:)

An update on the writing side of things... I put my Suddenly series on the backburner, the second book is postponed until it has enough readers to make it worth the time. I'm sorry if you're bummed about this, but I have to do what I have to do! The same is true for my Burning World series, it won't be getting more books until it gets more readers. So tell your friends to get reading and I'll get writing;) I've got a bunch of ideas for the spinoff of my Shifty Series but I'm still trying to decide which one I'll go with, so that's still in the works.

This new series is in a completely different version of our world than the Shifty one, but I hope you'll like it! Stay tuned for the announcement when kindle finishes publishing it, should be any time now! Thanks for stopping by!

-Sara Summers 💛

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