Happy Weekend and a Sneak Peek!

Hey guys, happy Friday! I'd like to say that weekends are full of fun and exciting things at my house, but well... they aren't haha. My husband has been studying for and taking an exam all day today and has another one to study for and take tomorrow, so it's just me and my baby hanging out for the most part. 

Buuuut happy weekend to everyone who has a real weekend or just graduated! Life is miraculously better once high school ends (at least in my experience). 

 Anyway, to make this weekend a little more exciting, here's a peek at my new book Born to be a Shifter! It's available on Amazon right now!

Also, I've started planning a Shifty Spinoff series (title and cover coming soon), and it's going to be great. Check back soon for more info on that! For now, I hope you're enjoying the warm weather and my new books! Thanks for stopping by!

-Sara Summers

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