New Cover!

**Edited 6/9/17 Due to feedback from readers, the cover has been changed back to its original look.**

Hey guys! Suddenly Mermaids is just about ready for you to read, but in the mean time here's something else exciting. More than a Werewolf is getting a new cover! It was designed by the lovely Kestra Pingree, so if you love it feel free to leave some raving comments on this post and I'll make sure she gets them:)

I don't know exactly when it will change on Amazon (they're slow sometimes), but I've got my fingers crossed that it will be soon.

Here it is!

Happy reading and congrats to anyone who graduated or is graduating soon!

-Sara Summers

P.S. Remember to vote in the poll, and feel free to comment below with any questions or shoot me an email at
I'd love to hear from you!

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