Friday Teaser

Hey, happy Friday! More than a Human is comin' in hot, so here's a fun little teaser for ya!

More than a Human
By Sara Summers

(unedited still)
When I woke up, I was on top of Kyle. I don’t know how I ended up there, but there was no denying that's where I was.
            I gasped when I realized, and Kyle opened his eyes.
            “Hey.” He smiled up at me. I blushed.
            “I’m so sorry.” I hurried to apologize.
            “Why would you be sorry? This is the best morning of my life.” Kyle chuckled as my cheeks reddened even more. Still, I couldn’t hold back a smile.
            “Can I make you breakfast?” I asked, unsticking my sweaty arms and legs from Kyle’s.
            “I would say yes, but Leah already volunteered. I thought you’d want to see Emma, so I already agreed we would go.”
            “Oh, thank you.” My smile grew. “About Emma…” I bit my lip. How did I introduce the topic to him of what she would call him?
            “She’s your daughter, you get to call the shots with what happens between us. Whatever you decide, I’ll understand.” He said.
            “That’s just it.” I swallowed. “I want her to be our daughter, not just mine. If we’re soulmates then we’re two halves of one soul, and I think it would be best if Emma saw you as her dad just as much as I’m her mom. She’s always going to have both of us now, right?” I had to ask, because I didn’t just want to thrust my daughter on Kyle and tell him that she was his.

            Instead of answering, Kyle wrapped his arms around me for a massive hug. 

This book has been a ton of fun to write. It's got a lot of Leah and Sav in it, which makes it extra fun since their books were so long ago. There's a massive change coming, I promise you won't want to miss this book. It's almost done so you can expect it fairly soon... but I'm not giving any dates! Check back often, follow my blog with the link on the side, or find me on instagram @iamsarasummers. 

Hope you're as excited as I am!

-Sara Summers

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