Sneak Peek

Hey guys! Today feels like a good day for a teaser. Here's a sneak peek at Suddenly Mermaids, coming REALLY soon! :)

Suddenly Mermaids
By Sara Summers
(unedited so try not to judge)

“Wait, if we’re mermaids now, does that mean we’re going to have soulmates?” Juliet stood up beside me and folded her arms.
            “Yes.” Alena nodded. “All shifters have soulmates.”
            “We know that.”
            “Hold up, I have a date on Saturday. I’ve been out with the guy twice before.” I gave up on trying to free myself of sand, instead pulling my long, sand-filled blonde hair into a nasty braid.
            “Cancel it and stop talking to him.” Alena shrugged. “You’re shifters now, and believe me, male shifters aren’t understanding when it comes to their mates being with other guys.”
            “We have soulmates?” Juliet repeated the question. Her mouth hung open a little, it was sort of funny to look at.
            “You mean I don’t even have to socialize to not spend my life alone?” Masen grinned. “That sounds great.”
            “Yeah, for real. Where’s my man?” Juliet looked around the beach, despite the fact that it was dark out.
            “We can talk about everything as soon as we get to your apartment. It isn’t safe to keep talking here.” Alena stood up too, joining Jules and I on our feet.
            “Why isn’t it safe? There’s no one here.” I frowned.
            “The ocean has ears.” Alena gestured to the water. A wave splashed up higher than before, tickling her feet. “And considering the way it just attacked me, it would be best for us to get out of here.”

I'm excited for this new series! Here's another peek at the cover, if you missed it (or just wanted to look at it again like I did)

Check back soon for more details! I'll be doing a drop-release on this book(yep just made that term up), so you won't see any warnings before it comes out. Follow my blog or find me on Instagram @iamsarasummers if you want to know the moment it comes out!

-Sara Summers

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