Exciting News

Hey guys, I have exciting news today! At least, hopefully you think it's exciting. Anyhow, it's exciting for me.

First off, confession.

I'm kind of obsessed with mermaids. I know that there are tons of people who can claim that, but seriously. I've been writing mermaid books for as long as I can remember (most of which you would not enjoy reading hahaha). Maybe I'll put up a sample from one of them one of these days, who knows. If enough people comment....

Haha anyway. So, it is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I announce....

Drumroll please.....

I'm coming out with a mermaid series! Ahh, yay, woohoo! I'll be my own cheerleader like Moana was to Maui. 

"Sara, Sara, Sara."

Right, okay, enough fangirling. As you might be able to tell, my anxiety has been subsiding and I'm feeling more and more like myself every day, so HALLELUJAH.

This mermaid series will be set in the same world as my Shifty Series, but has nothing to do with the original shifty girls. Ava and Sam will make an appearance or two and Alena will be one of the main characters, but as I said, these books will stand alone from the Shifty Series. It's a new series, so if you have friends who hate werewolves but love mermaids, let them know!

Since I'm finally getting a handle on my anxiety, you can expect my books to start coming out much more frequently than they've recently been coming out. I'll be taking a break from the Shifty Series to write the first two books in my new series, the Suddenly Series, but then Bree's Story, More than a Human, will come right along! It should be out in 1-2 ish months, depending on how fast the writing goes.

And considering that first books come a bajillion times faster than the ones that follow them, it could go very quickly.

So yeah! My goal is to have the first mermaid book out by the end of the month. I'm not making any promises, but that's definitely possible.

Without further ado, here is the TITLE and COVER REVEAL for the first book in my Suddenly Series.

I hope you love this new series, I already do!

-Sara Summers

P.S. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at sarasummersbooks@gmail.com
I'd love to hear from you!

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