Teaser from More than a Panther

Today seems like a good day for a teaser, right?

Here's one for More than a Panther, which you can find on Amazon.

His eyes widened when he saw me laying there, reading a book. I may or may not have been pretending to read. I refuse to admit either way.

 “Uh, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He reached up to his neck as I looked up from my book.

 “This is your bed. If one of us is sleeping on the couch, it’s me.” I told him bluntly. Yes, I may have been misusing the fact that I’d discovered he cared about me, but all’s fair in love and war, right?

 “You’re not sleeping on the couch.” He protested.

 “Then neither are you.” I yawned as huge as I could, and it may or may have not been staged. I won’t admit to that either. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the teaser. Thanks for stopping by!

-Sara Summers

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