More than a Mermaid Cover Reveal

Things are flying over here in writerville, things meaning words. Hope you're enjoying More than a Grizzly, because before you know it, More than a Mermaid will be here. :D
Anyway, I absolutely LOVE the cover for this book and hope you do too! Ava's story is adorable and wow... I really love mermaids. 

Without further ado, here's the cover and a little teaser (unedited, so don't judge it)

Sam groaned and turned his head.
            “What happened?” He peeked one eye open just a tad.
            “You just became a merman.” I told him. He frowned, then glanced down at his tail.
            “What the—“
He sat up.
“No way, no effing way. I’m a human, just a human.” He shook his head as if he was trying to dislodge the idea, and I bit back a smile.
“You saved a mermaid of your free will and choice. There’s no going back now.” I shrugged.
“Who are you?” Sam demanded, focusing his anger on me for the moment. I bit my lip. Should I tell him that I was the queen of the mermaids? That I was his mate? That we were two halves of one soul?
“I’m Ava.” I decided my name would be the safest thing to start with. 

Hope you're excited! 

-Sara Summers

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