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Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence. Life has been crazy for my little family lately. My husband got accepted to a PA school in Georgia, of all places. Not gonna lie, I'm super excited to move there! It'll be a huge adventure and a ginormous change from our Arizona-Idaho-Utah life and I think it will be good for us. Another big change... I decided to go back to school. I love writing and I always will, but three years as an author has taught me a lot about the career. To be honest, it's not the dream job it was when I was a little girl. I'm so glad I've had the chance to publish so many books, and you guys are the ones who made that possible. Thank you so much for your support! You've fed my toddler's little bellies more times than you know, and it means the world to me. I will always be a writer and I'll always be writing, just not nearly as frequently anymore. Subscribe to the blog or shoot me an email to be put on a list for updates whenever I

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