Valentine's Day Teaser

Happy Love Day! What better to celebrate Valentine's Day than with a teaser for SOULDATED? I totally missed Teaser Tuesday thanks to a stomach bug that hit my baby and husband, whoops, but hopefully this makes up for it 😉

Earlier I mentioned this book might come out super early, but unfortunately that won't be happening! Life got crazy fast. It will definitely be out a few days before the end of the month though, so so stay tuned.

SOULGROUND, by Rebecca Kay, will be here any day now, so that can keep you occupied! Checked her blog at  for a sneak peek! 

Anyway, here's that SOULDATED teaser! 


“Well one of the soulmate rules is that you have to rub my feet for twenty minutes each, every night.” She looked up at me with a serious expression. “And you have to stop washing your clothes so much so I can smell you when you’re not around.” 
“Twenty minutes each, as in, per foot?” I checked, feigning seriousness.
“So a forty minute foot massage and doing less laundry. You drive a hard bargain, Miss Drew.”
“I know. Still think you’re up for this soulmate business?”
“I’ll need a few days to think on that. This is a big decision, you know.” 
Teresa lifted her lips to kiss my chin.
“Take all the time you need.” She nodded solemnly, turning in my arms and pressing a kiss to my neck. “I’ll just be waiting here.” 
She kissed me lower on my neck and reached up to undo one of the buttons on my flannel shirt to kiss me lower.
Her fingers moved through the buttons, and I closed my eyes.
“If I say yes will you keep going?”

-Sara Summers

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