Cover Reveal and Teaser

Hey guys, I hope you're all loving THE STUBBORN SHIFTER! I'm already feeling the Garrett and Teresa withdrawls, but luckily Zane and Isla are here to keep me company 😉 Their story, THE IMPULSIVE SHIFTER, will be coming on or before April 1st! 

Here's a peek at Zane and Isla's story, I hope you're as excited as I am! Happy reading!


I got off Zane’s lap about as gracefully as your friendly neighborhood elephant and landed on the dirt with one foot. Just like any elephant, that one foot wasn’t enough for balance, so I swung my arms through the air as I tried to catch my balance.
Zane’s feet hit the dirt beside me and his arms wrapped around my waist, steadying me.
“Easy.” His breath tickled my neck.
Suddenly, I knew what he’d been feeling when he’d wrestled with himself earlier, because I was doing the same thing.
Wrestling something inside me to stop myself from spinning around and kissing him.

-Sara Summers

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