Hey guys, I know, I know, Tuesday is long gone. I'm sorry I couldn't get the book done, just hang in there! Life is hard. 

More than a Lion will be out very soon, I can promise that. I'm working my butt off trying to get this sucker done. The latest it could be out is Tuesday, but if all goes well, I'm hoping to get it out there Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Anyway, once again, hang in there! The book is definitely coming. Here's another teaser to tide you over. It's a shorty but goody (like me) haha and I'm really super excited for you to read this book!

More than a Lion

When I woke up, I was lying half on top of Ross’s chest. His arms were around me, clutching me tight to him as if I was a doll he was afraid someone might try to take away.
            My eyelids opened very slowly. When I could see, I noticed Carla sitting in a chair next to the bedroom door. She was looking down at her phone, either reading a book or scrolling through a social media site as far as I could tell.
            “What happened?” I whispered.
            “You almost died.” Carla looked up from her phone.
            “Yeah, I remember that part.” I muttered. For a second, I tried to get free of Ross’s iron grip. It only took that one second for it to be clear that wasn’t going to happen. Ross had saved my life and he wasn’t letting me go and almost die again. “But why did it happen?”

I promise it's coming!

-Sara Summers

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I'd love to hear from you!

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