Saturday Teaser

Hey guys! Sorry the blog's been so silent, I've been drowning in anxiety the past few weeks. Still adjusting to my medication, and boy it sucks.

Anyway, I know this book is taking a little longer than the others, and I'm sorry. Definitely didn't plan or choose the health problems I have haha. But anyway, I have exciting news! More than a Lion has a tentative release date (emphasis on the TENTATIVE)! If everything goes as planned, I'll put it out on Tuesday, which is the 25th. Woohoo! 

Sorry to keep you waiting, the rest of the books should come along much faster than these last two. Before you know it, the series will be over... which is both sad and exciting, because then I get to start a new one! 

So here's a teaser (unedited, as always, don't judge) to, well, tease you. Brooke's definitely a tease, and I can't wait for you to read her story.

More than a Lion Teaser: 

Dang, he was good. There was no question, Ross could hold his ground in a verbal/sarcasm battle with me. That was a good sign.
            I wasn’t going to let him win, of course. I’d have the last word, he needed to realize that I wasn’t some submissive little lion. And, in this situation, there was only one thing to do.
            I turned my back to my mate and pulled the towel off, using it to dry my waist-long hair instead.
            There was a thunk noise as something fell to the floor, and I heard Ross scramble a little. A grin took over my face, and I bit my lip just in case he was planning on coming over to me.
            “Can you get my suitcases out of the closet? I need to start packing.” I asked, innocently, though still biting down hard on my lip to stop myself from laughing.
            “Why do you need to pack?” Ross’s breath tickled my ear, scaring me and thrilling me at the same time. His hand brushed over the mate marks on my back, sending his desire swirling through me. “We’re running to Georgia.”
            “I can’t shift.” I tilted my head, hiding the way I struggled to keep my cool. With his feelings rushing around inside me, I could barely think straight.
            “I’ll help you.” He whispered, trailing his hand down the center of my back.
            Okay, I had to take a second to breathe. If I didn’t stop him, there was no telling what would happen. No telling, at least, but I could come up with a pretty good guess….
            And we weren’t going there, yet. Ross was my soulmate, but if he wanted all of me, he had to prove to me that he loved me, first. Though I would happily tease him until he did.
            “Get on the bed.” I hoped my voice came out sort of, well, sexily, for lack of better term.
            My soulmate wasn’t going to argue with that command. He was on the bed before I even looked backward.
            “You’ve got to make me love you before we make love, Mr. Alpha. Husband or not, that’s only meant to be shared between two people who plan on sharing a life, and I’m not ready to say ‘I do’ yet.”
            I wrapped the towel around myself again, then walked into my closet and shut the door before he could say a word.
            While I pulled on clothes, all I could do was grin to myself and think,

            Wow, I’m good.

Hope your excited! Cross your fingers and pray for me, haha, Tuesday here we (hopefully) come!

-Sara Summers

P.S. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at
I'd love to hear from you!

P.P.S. ALSO, I updated the series page with the order of the rest of the books, finally know how it's all going to end:)

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