More than a Cheetah Release Date

Hey guys. I'm sad to say it, but More than a Cheetah won't be coming out until Friday or Saturday, the 24th or 25th. I've been sick the last few days and unable to write, so it won't be ready until then. Check back this weekend for a link, and here's the sneak peek I promised:) Still unedited...

More than a Cheetah
By Sara Summers

"I’ll be fine. Stay up however late you want.” I said. “Is the bed just up the stairs?” I checked.
“Yeah.” He nodded, then stepped closer to me. He pulled me against his chest for a hug, which surprised me. Still, I hugged him back. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” he asked.
            My eyebrows shot up into my forehead. Yeah, I don’t know why, but I sincerely wasn’t expecting that question.
            “Um,” I swallowed. He was my mate, right? I was supposed to kiss him, and enjoy it. Suddenly, everything that hadn’t been allowed in high school was encouraged. “Okay.” I nodded once, but I think my insides were twisted into a massive knot.
            Haiden placed his hand, the one that wasn’t holding a paintbrush, on the side of my face. That felt nice, so I wasn’t about to tell him to stop. He tilted my chin upward, just a bit, and leaned down toward me.
            I closed my eyes and parted my lips just a tiny bit.
            When his lips touched mine, they were soft and gentle and smooth and sweet. That kiss was simple, and it was perfect.
            He pulled away, and a smile pulled the corners of his lips upward.
            “Goodnight.” His words were a whisper.
            “Goodnight.” I nodded, then headed straight for the stairs. I wasn’t sure what to think about what had just happened, or what I was supposed to do. Haiden seemed more and more perfect for me by the minute, but he didn’t know me yet.
            He didn’t know what I’d been through, he didn’t know how I felt or what I thought.
            We didn’t know each other well enough, but that didn’t stop me from liking him.
            He was considerate and sweet and gentle—not to mention beautiful. I know, that’s still creepy. Handsome, maybe? Nah, he’s a painter. I’m going with beautiful. He was like a living piece of artwork, and I had always loved his art.

            Gosh, okay, I sound like a whack-job. Let’s stick with considerate and sweet and gentle. Those words aren’t creepy, right?

-Sara Summers

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