
Hey guys! Are you excited for More than a Mermaid? I definitely am. 

Now for the big question... when is it coming out? 

The answer to that is... Friday! 

So yeah. Check back here Friday or Saturday for the link to it on Amazon, or just search for it. Follow my author page on Amazon if you want to be email-notified (I'm not positive that works, but in theory it should). 

Anyway, I absolutely love Ava's story and hope you do too. Here's another teaser (unedited, don't judge) just for fun.

Sam followed me inside the room—our room. It was spacious enough, as the hotel was really nice, but didn’t feel that big considering there was only one bed.
            “Do they expect us to sleep together?” Sam looked at me. I couldn’t tell if he was scared or worried or grossed out by the idea. I figured it was safe to guess that he was a combination of all three.
            “We’re soulmates. Of course they expect us to sleep together.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. Gosh, my head hurt.
            Too much had happened that day. But then, if I was honest, I got headaches at least three or four times a week. Too much happened every day, for me.
            “Oh. Great.” Sam muttered.
            I whirled around, suddenly more frustrated than I could bear.
            “I get that you’re frustrated, okay? I’m tired of this too, but right now, we’re stuck. If you could at least pretend that you didn’t hate me, it would make all this crap a lot easier. Just… take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” I dropped my bag at the edge of the couch and sat down, rubbing my eyes and then my temples again.
            “Do you have a headache?” Sam sat beside me, and I eyes him. I was suspicious, because he had no reason to sit down next to me and be nice.
            “It doesn’t matter.” I tried to turn away, but he put a hand on my arm.
            “Here.” He picked up my hand, putting two small bottles of something in my palm. “Peppermint oil and lavender. They both help with headaches, just rub a drop of whichever one you like best on your temples and neck. It really works.” He said, standing up.

            “Thanks.” I blinked up at him, surprised.

-Sara Summers 

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