New Titles and Covers

Hey guys, guess what?

I did something.

Something... that I think is great.

What USED TO BE the Steampunk 7 books (AKA the Gooed Series) have become the Masked books.

Book 1- Masked (Used to be The Steampunk 7)
Book 2- Behind the Mask (Used to be The Sp7 Dos)
Book 3- Unmasked

I know this change may be strange, but I did it to increase the findability of my books. They were stuck in the Steampunk category, and if you've read them, you know they are not steampunk at all.

Anyway, here are the new covers. I love them and hope you do too! Each cover features one of the girls: Book 1, Autumn. Book 2, Penny. Book 3, Grace.


So there you have it. New and improved covers, same old stories. Don't forget to update your books to get the new editions of each!

-Sara Summers

P.S. More than a Panther is coming VERY SOON. Check back in the next few days for the official announcement!

P.P.S. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at
I'd love to hear from you!

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