Double Release! (AKA 2-fer)

Hey guys!

I have an exciting announcement for y'all!

*Insert drum-roll here*

This month's novelita is actually going to be TWO NOVELITAS!

Excuse the caps, I'm excited!

So, sometime between today and Monday, there will be two new novelitas available on Amazon! I hope you're psyched, because I can hardly wait! You're gonna love these stories!

The first one is called Autumn's Day, here's the cover and blurb:

"This is your day, Gorgeous. We'll do whatever you want."

On vacation in New York, there's plenty to do to celebrate someone's special day. Join Autumn and Brady for pedicures, thrift shopping, and of course, hot dogs! 

A sweet, clean romance story about two superheroes who have some time off the job.

*This is a Steampunk 7 Novelita, NOT a full length book*

Are you as excited as me?! I'm telling you, this one's a win. I had the greatest time writing their story, and I'm completely in love with it. Like, for real. I don't usually like reading my own stories, but I love this one so stinking much.

The 2nd (BONUS!!!) novelita is called Georgia Meets Idaho, featuring Monty and Grace (as the title suggests, haha). This one will also be great, so get on Amazon and look her up!

Everything's different in the South, at least, according to Grace Magnolia Davenport it is. When her boyfriend meets her family, it will undoubtedly be entertaining. 

Join Grace and Monterro in Georgia, where they learn that their families are as different as potatoes and peaches. 

From crawfishin' to pie makin', they're in for darn good time.  

*This is a Steampunk 7 Novelita, NOT a full length novel*

Yep, it's gonna be great! Get ready for some fun!

-Sara Summers

P.S. You want an insider secret? Okay, okay, I'll tell ya. ANOTHER bonus Novelita is coming at the end of this month, so stay tuned for more info on that!

P.P.S. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at I'd love to hear from you! 

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