Hey guys! I'm hard at work editing SOULHATED, and I am so in love with these characters it's ridiculous. Here's a teaser to keep you excited (still unedited), and I'll probably be releasing this one a few days early so check back soon!


I turned the corner and barely bit back a gasp when I saw him leaning on the wall outside the apartment with his arms folded over his chest. He was wearing a white t-shirt that did wonders for those bulging muscles of his and a pair of jeans that made me look at denim in an all new way, and he looked pissed.
He hadn’t even seen the tattoo yet.
Dread filled me, but I marched up to the door like he wasn’t even there and grabbed the doorknob.
“A hooker, Quinn? Really? I thought we were past that.”
Ah, yes. I knew Cody would turn her down faster than I could find an actual hooker, so I’d just offered a girl I knew from the club a few hundred bucks to pretend. I hadn’t sent a hooker because I expected him to invite her in, I sent her to make him more annoyed with me.
The more annoyed he was, the more easily he would be annoyed as I continued to try to bother my way out of his heart.
It would be better for us to part because of irreconcilable differences than because I broke his heart, after all.
I pushed the door open but didn’t respond immediately, and he followed me in.
“You know how important us being soulmates is to me, right?” Cody grabbed my hand, and I pulled it away.
“Of course. But we never made a rule against hookers, or one night stands.” I flashed him a devious smile and waited for the wolf to come out.
Instead of yelling or swearing or growling, Cody took my face in his hands and kissed me.
Wow that man could kiss.
His kissing ability must’ve been a gift from God, because he hadn’t learned by kissing anyone else.
I pulled away after a second and stepped back. He looked and felt and smelled too good, I needed to get away from him before I forgot that I was trying to make him hate me.
“I need to get out of town for a while.” I said sharply. “Are you going to let me leave alone, or are you going to be a caveman about it?”
Spinning away from him and walking quickly toward my bedroom, my heavy-feeling hair brushed against just the one side of my neck. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and then a snarl tore through the room.
“What did you do?”
His hands were on me instantly, yanking me close so he could see the tattoo on my neck that I hadn’t even seen.
I swallowed those stupid emotions that had been giving me grief all morning and put on my brave face.
“I didn’t like it, so I had it fixed.” I lied. I couldn’t tell if my voice was shaking, but Cody was pissed enough that it didn’t matter because he wouldn’t notice.
“You don’t fix a cotie. They’re the physical tie between us and our wolves, not some tattoo you can just cover and change.”
“I told you yesterday, I don’t want to know your shifter slang. This is still my life, and I get to decide what I do with it. I covered the mate mark with a tattoo because I didn’t like it, which is my right. This discussion is over.”
I forced myself to walk at a normal pace, like my heart wasn’t pounding and the wolf in me wasn’t howling at the fact that I’d hurt our mate.

-Sara Summers

PS Follow me on instagram @sarasummerswriter or follow this blog to keep up to date on news and new releases! Happy reading! 💛

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