Update, Finally!

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for so long. 

The past few months have tough... to say the least. I'm pregnant with my first baby (Lincoln Summers coming March 2018 YAY!) and pregnancy is NOTHING like I expected. I mean, I always heard that your brain gets spacey and it's hard to get up while you're pregnant, and everyone knows about morning sickness, but it's so much different for me.

For me, pregnancy means anxiety. Maybe I should've written that in capital letters, because honestly, my anxiety was severe before pregnancy. With this baby inside me, my anxiety has been out of control thanks to my baby-growing hormones. Anxiety makes it nearly impossible for me to write. My brain has been so fuzzy and out of focus thanks to my panicking brain, for a while I wondered if I would survive the whole nine months it was so bad.

After trying (and hating) two different anti-depressants, I finally found a medication that works for my silly brain. It's actually used as an allergy medicine but it relaxes your nervous system and has been a miracle from heaven for me. As of two weeks ago I've been surviving on only my new medication and I'm finally feeling like myself again. 


Do you know what feeling like myself means? It means that I can write! Not only can I write, but I'm dying to write, almost 100% of the time. I went from wondering if this baby was going to kill my career to so stinking excited for both my books and my growing belly.

What does this mean for you, my lovely readers? 

It means that books are coming!

I kind of wanted to write that in all caps, I'm so excited about it. I'm so, so excited for you to read these books! I'm working on a new book right now, about 2/3 of the way done with it. Will you be seeing it this week? Maybe, stay tuned. If it keeps coming like it is right now, it'll be done before the weekend. It's called Fighting Fire (tentatively) and I'll be posting about it soon.

The Suddenly Series? It's coming along too! I've teamed up with another author to finish the last few books in that series, and it's definitely coming along. It's so great, I hope you're excited for it because I'm in love with it. The next book is called Suddenly Soulmates, and hopefully it'll be ready in a few weeks (for real this time since I'm finally better).

Anyway, thanks for holding on to hope, and thanks for reading my books! You guys are putting my husband through college and you just bought my baby the most pajamas ever, so THANK YOU! You are the reason I do what I do and love my job so stinking much.

Stay tuned for more details about that new book, it'll be here before either of us know it!

-Sara Summers

Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email at sarasummersbooks@gmail.com
I'd love to hear from you!

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