Update and Preview

Hey guys, I know it's been ages since my last book came out. There's a good reason, I promise.

I'm pregnant! Yep, you read right. I'm having a baby in the middle of March, I'm about 13 weeks along right now. So, the last few months have been full of nausea and anxiety. Thanks to a new medication, I'm feeling better and back to writing, thank goodness.

Anyway, here's the real update.

I've been trying to write More than a Monkey for MONTHS. I try and try and try and try, but it just doesn't feel right to me. I can't connect with Cosette, and I have absolutely no idea how to write from the perspective of a character who I just don't have anything in common with. That makes things very difficult.

So I've made a decision that some people might not agree with, but it's the only decision I feel right about. 

I'm not writing More than a Monkey anymore. Maybe in the future I'll release what I have as a short story, probably for free on this blog, but for now it's going to the dump. I'm sorry, there's just no way I can write that book being who I am right now.

So anyway, now some happier news. I've been working on More than Me, and it's awesome. I love this book so much, it's so great to go back to Ty and Leah and see them fall in love again. Not to mention Bree and Kyle finally having a chance! It's such a happy book to end the series on, and I can't wait for you to read it. If everything goes as planned, it should be in your hands sometime next week. This time, I promise I'll really keep you updated:)

I have an awesome new series planned after this one, but I'm sure I'll come back to the Shifty world eventually. These characters can't stay quiet too long! Maybe Leah and Ty will even get their own series, I love them. 

Anyway, here's the cover reveal for More than Me, along with a preview of chapter 1! It's not edited so it's not set in stone, but I hope you like it!


Ty was my best friend. He was my soulmate. When he betrayed me, I thought all of that was over. I was wrong.
            I looked at the picture frame on the wall in front of me—the last one. Ty had his arms around me in a massive hug, and I could see in his eyes how happy he was. His smile was big and bold, and his hair looked great. In the picture, my back was to the camera, but I didn’t have to see myself to remember how I’d felt that day.
            We had been so happy. So perfectly, flawlessly happy and in love. We had plenty of Alpha and Omega duties, but none of them mattered. Not to us. Nothing could take away that love.
            I sighed and shook my head. It was all in the past. My future would be different, somehow I’d find a way to be happy again.
            Without Ty.
            I pulled the picture down and added the frame to the box beside me. It was the last one, the last reminder of the happy times that used to be. Now that the pictures were down, I could finally move on with my life.
            With the box in my arms, I headed down the stairs. It was a new day, a new chance, and I would make the most of it. The pictures would get tossed and then—
            I was yanked out of my thoughts when someone walked through the door at the same time I stepped off the last stair.
            “What the—”
            “I heard you’ve been taking our pictures down all morning.” Ty folded his arms.
            “That might work on the guys in the pack, but flexing your muscles and trying to look bigger doesn’t scare me one bit.” I turned away from him, walking toward the back door.
            When he didn’t say anything in response, I knew he was staring at my butt. He was my soulmate, for crying out loud, and I knew every flipping thing about the man. When he didn’t have a comeback and I was walking away from him, that was the reason.
            “I’ve missed your cute butt, Lee.” He finally called out to me, as I was leaving the house.
            I waved over my shoulder at him, my way of telling him to shut up without opening my mouth. When I dumped this last batch of pictures into the trash can, I felt vicious. I was finally getting back at him for lying to me and it felt fantastic.
            “Get rid of as many pictures as you want, we’ll just take new ones.” Ty was on the couch when I walked back in, his feet propped up on the coffee table. He knew that I protected that coffee table religiously.
            “Trying to get a rise out of me?” I put a hand on my hip, standing in the doorway. “Good luck. You don’t live here anymore, remember?”
            “Yeah, I think I’ll have to fix that.” He stood up.
            “I kicked you out.” My voice was full of barely-contained rage. “You aren’t welcome here, and you’re not moving back in. Get the frick out of my house.” I threatened.
            My fists were clenched at my sides, and I think my legs might have been shaking.
            Ty slowly walked over to me. He stopped just before our chests touched, leaning his face down like he was going to kiss me.
            I was frozen in place. I should move, I knew I should move, but I couldn’t. This position… we’d stood in this position hundreds of times, and it had always been perfect.
            “This is our house, Leah, and I’m not going to sit back and let you cut me out of it. I’ve let you make the calls for long enough. I’m going to sleep on the couch until you let me in the bed again, but I am moving back tonight, and I’m going to make you fall in love with me again. You’re my soulmate, and I’m not just going to let you walk away. I love you.”
            His breath was gentle on my face, and I had to fight the urge to go up onto my tippytoes and kiss the man senseless. Gosh, I missed kissing him.
            He must’ve read my thoughts, because he tilted his head down and lifted his hands to my cheeks. When he pressed his lips to mine, I melted against him.
            My hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer and egging him on. I knew I shouldn’t keep kissing him, but he was perfect. He was my soulmate, and feeling his arms around me was the best thing I’d felt in the four months we’d been separated. I was trying to move on from the man who felt like home to me.
            “Leah? Are you—” Bree gasped, and I pushed Ty away from me. I looked over at my friend, and almost groaned at her massively wide eyes. “Never mind then.” She hurried back up the stairs to the room I’d given her and Emma after all the drama with the anti-shifty group had gone down.
            “That’s never happening again.” I swallowed and looked back to Ty, expecting him to nod or have a somber expression on his face. Instead, I saw his massive grin.
            “You still want me.” His voice was cocky.
            “It’s just hormones.” I glared at him.
            “Sure it is. See you tonight, Sexy.”
            He sauntered out the front door like everything in his world was perfect. As soon as that door shut, I groaned and collapsed on the couch.
            What did I do?
            The noise of the door closing woke up my boys, though, and as soon as they started crying I made my way to my feet.
            As I walked to their room, I sighed. How was I going to resist Ty the next time he tried to kiss me? I was a sucker; he was right. I wanted him like I wanted my next breath, even though I knew I shouldn’t. He had betrayed me.
            And now he was determined to make me fall in love with him again.
            Oh, like I ever stopped loving him.
            Still, the question remained. What in the heck was I going to do?

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